Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.

January Capital Advisors is an independent wealth design firm helping clients live the story they want to tell.

Who we are 

About Us

We design, implement and track financial strategies aligned with your values and objectives.


Your life story and your ultimate impact rest largely on the decisions you make today.


We curate and communicate market trends, tax and estate laws, and financial best practices.

We help you make the informed decisions necessary to pursue your desired impact.

What we do 


We identify where you are, help define where you want to go, and implement a plan to get there — tracking progress along the way. Realistic milestones are set. Benchmarks are measured. Performance and fees are transparent.

How we work

We run an efficient yet detailed planning process — adding a little fun along the way. Financial planning can be overwhelming, so we make the most of your precious time. Comprehensive, compassionate advice.

Live the story you want to tell.

Invest in that story.